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UV Care

Keep your event safe from COVID. Get a superior protection with UV-C Plasma Air Cleaner. Rent yours here:


Keep your event safe from COVID. Get a superior protection with UV-C Plasma Air Cleaner. Rent yours here:

UV Care Protection: Managing Global COVID-19 Challenges Effectively

The latest COVID-19 numbers present a worrisome image of the ongoing global pandemic. The war is clearly far from ended, as seen by the startling 52% spike in new cases reported during the 28-day period from November 20 to December 17, 2023. In this difficult environment, UV care technology shines out as a potent ally in the fight to stop and slow the virus’s spread.

As of December 17, 2023, the world has witnessed over 772 million confirmed cases and nearly seven million deaths due to COVID-19. The recent 52% surge in new cases emphasizes the urgency of implementing additional strategies to curb the spread of the virus. Hospitalizations and ICU admissions have also seen a concerning increase, with a 23% rise in hospitalizations and a striking 51% increase in ICU admissions reported during the period from November 13 to December 10, 2023.

The South-East Asia Surge:

Three of the ten countries in the South-East Asia Region reported increases in new cases of 20% or greater, with India experiencing a remarkable 520% increase (3241 vs. 523), Sri Lanka observing a 105% rise (43 vs. 21), and Thailand facing a 79% surge (2120 vs. 1187). Indonesia, with 3725 new cases, reported the highest numbers, followed by India and Thailand. The severity of the situation is further emphasized by a 317% increase in new 28-day deaths, with the highest numbers reported from India, Thailand, and Indonesia.

The Emergence of New Variants:

Adding to the complexity of the situation is the designation of JN.1, a sub-lineage of the BA.2.86 Omicron variant, as a separate variant of interest (VOI). The rapid increase in the prevalence of this new variant underscores the ever-evolving nature of the virus. While EG.5 remains the most reported VOI globally, the emergence of JN.1 highlights the need for adaptive and comprehensive approaches to curb the virus’s spread.

UV Care as a Strategic Defense:

Amidst these challenges, UV care technology emerges as a critical tool in preventing and minimizing the spread of COVID-19. Here’s how UV care can play a pivotal role:

• Surface Disinfection:
UV care devices can effectively disinfect surfaces in various settings, including hospitals, public spaces, and transportation hubs. This can help reduce the risk of surface transmission.

• Air Purification:
UV air purifiers can eliminate airborne pathogens, providing an additional layer of protection against respiratory transmission in enclosed spaces like offices, classrooms, and public transport.

• Healthcare Settings:
UV care is already widely used in healthcare facilities for the disinfection of medical equipment, surfaces, and even in air purification systems in critical care units.

• Rapid and Efficient Disinfection:
UV care devices offer a rapid and efficient method of disinfection, making them invaluable in situations where quick turnaround times are essential.


As we navigate the challenges posed by the escalating cases and the emergence of new variants, UV care technology stands as a formidable ally in the fight against COVID-19. Integrating UV care into our preventive strategies can contribute significantly to minimizing the spread of the virus, protecting communities, and saving lives. In the face of an ever-evolving threat, leveraging innovative technologies like UV care becomes imperative to create a safer and healthier future for all.